New Normal Public Bathrooms
So, when it comes to restrooms in the post COVID period, we should expect a "New Normal". The following are among the changes anticipated researched by bath remodeling in Boulder, CO:
Cleaners for Bathroom.
Although toilets have always been thoroughly cleaned once a day or between shifts, many industrial toilets will employ people during the day just to clean them on an ongoing basis. We might note, many employers like to see the toilets being cleaned during the day by their employees. This helps to alleviate anxieties regarding the restrooms' cleanliness.
The return of towels made of cloth.
There are concerns that pathogens can become airborne due to blow dryers. To help avoid this, several facilities are eliminating blow dryers and re-installing paper towel dispensers.
Soap dispensers with a push button.
Just like air blowers, expect soap dispensers with push-buttons to be a fast thing. It is possible that these will be replaced with touchless devices. Manual-fill soap dispensers would also possibly disappear due to this. The door to contamination is opened by manual soap filling dispensers. They will be replaced, removing this issue, with cartridge soap dispensers.
Farewell platinum.
Silver is used to make most of the toilet fixtures, latches, and other things found in restrooms. These are going to be replaced by polished copper. Copper is an antimicrobial that is natural. Ions blast the pathogen like an onslaught of rockets as a microbe falls on copper, escaping cell respiration and punching holes in the cell membrane.
Removal Fixture.
Expect facilities to decrease the number of toilets in their restrooms, sinks, and urinals. The goal is to get less people at one time in the bathroom. Users would have to wait for a stall to open outside the toilet - standing six feet apart.
Partitions of urinals.
The trend was to eliminate partitions between the urinals. That will be reversed in the men's room of the New Standard. Expect the addition of more partitions. Some hotels, just as they have for toilets, are also considering building fully enclosed stalls.
Proof of service.
The bathroom cleaning "check-off" sheets are put on the back of restroom doors by several industrial facilities. These suggest who, and when, cleaned the bathroom last. For everyone to see, expect those to be put on the front of doors and bathroom entries now. Plus, ATP readings can also be included so that customers know that the toilet has been clinically checked to ensure safe use of it. Such monitors on a surface do not recognize particular pathogens, but a high reading suggests that they may be present.
The Common Thread: Washing
In the New Standard bathroom, these are just some of the improvements we can expect. But better cleaning is one shared thread they'll all share. It's more than just better washing, though. The forms in which toilets are washed would also come under much further scrutiny.